Sunday, October 16, 2011

outline for thesis statement

Why would people want to live in a cramped up place and with little resources to live for? A slum is a run down area of a city characterized by poor housing ,and lack of security slums are overcrowded. Three effects that slums have on human populations are slums are dirty, they are a small area to live, and the resources are slim. The slum is a very dirty place to live in because lots of people share the area and also share the things neccesary.

Slums are a dirty area to live in because, they are shared by hundreds maybe even thousands that you do not even know, if they are people who maintain themselves clean. "And the slum is very dirty, you can see" "And you can smell. A few steps into Kiberia, we encounter brown green water flowing through an open ditch" This person what he is saying the sewage teatment is very poor here and it is not clean. Since no one does it will stay dirty. Slums are including very small they are crowded and small houses.

Slums are very cramped up place especially if you are alot of people living in the same slum. "There are probably as many people living here as there are in San Francisco, packed into housing few Americans could fathom." This quote is saying that slums are indeed very small and is very cramped up with alot of americans. Lastly slums is not a good area to live in because the resourcres are very slim. "Musanga and her family have no toilet" In this quote it shows how this resource is needed because where will her in laws children and herself go to the restroom.

In conclusion like I said in my introduction why would people want to live in a cramped up place with little resources to live for? Three effects that slums have on human populations are slums are dirty, they are a small area to live in, and the resources are slim. In slums clearly summarized now explains that slums are not a good area to live in because cramped people live in the same house. Another the sewage treatment is not cleaned by anyone responsible. Lastly the resources like some do not even have enough access to water. Just think about it how would it be for a person you know to live in a slum relative, friend, even yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Brianna, this is not in the format of an outline. I posted the correct format on my blog. Please look at it for a reference. Also, please make sure you do not have any questions in your final research paper.

    -Ms. Jaeger
