Monday, November 7, 2011

final draft

There are a lot of reasons why you would not want to live in a slum it would be because of the over crowdness, it being dirty, and lastly the slim resources. A slum is an area where lots of people live and are very dirty. Slums have an effect on human populations they are very dirty, very overcrowded, and the slim chance for not so much resources.The slums are very dirty becaue no one mainatins them clean.

Slums have an effect on human populations because they are very unsanitay and are very dirty. The reasons for this is because no one keeps or maintains them clean. If everyone pitched in the place would not look so bad nor the area would be so much not smelly. The reason it could be bad for the economy would be because people get sick and then die from the surroundings.

The second effect that a slum would have on human population would be that the limit of space per person or shack. The area in one small house it sometimes is not even a house either the place is so overcrowded. It also could be the limit of space per person is very small especially if they are thousands. It will not be a good environment for those with big families.

The third effect on a slum on human populations would be the slim chance of resources being possible for everyone to have. The reason this would be bad the population would go down because people will go through starvation and thirst. It is supposed to be making the popualation go down then. We do not want that for people to die.

In conclusion there are lots of reasons why would you not want to live in a slum the over crowdness, it being dirty, and the slim chance for resources. The population might go down we do not want that and also because of the food and water. Just think how people live their lives every single day who live in slums how would it be.

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